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From 26 July to 11 August,

Paris will be hosting the Olympic Games in some exceptional and symbolic venues. Paris will be inhabited by these Games and will transform itself to welcome this global event. On 26 July 2024, the Opening Ceremony will officially launch the Paris 2024 Games. For the first time in Olympic history, it will take place outside a stadium. The spectacle will take place on the Seine, over a distance of 6 km, from the Pont d’Austerlitz to the Pont d’léna.
An event of this magnitude requires security arrangements to be put in place and will have
an impact on traffic in the areas around the temporary Olympic venues.
However, visitors to Paris during this period will be able to take advantage of the tourist
activities that will be in operation, with certain restrictions depending on the day.

To help you to make the most of your stay, here is some useful information for a visit between 18 and 26 July 2024

1-Restricted access to the banks of the Seine from 18 to the 26 July

The Paris Police Department will be setting up security perimeters along the bank of the Seine to ensure the safety of the opening ceremony site .

Restricted Area

Olympic Games 2024 PARIS

Two securtiy perimeters will be activated, each with its own access conditions :

  • Red perimeter : free, unrestricted access for pedestrians and  cyclist. Motorised traffic is prohibited, unless an exemption is granted on prenstation of proof at the Police checkpoint( without prioir resgistration for a Gales Pass).
  • Silt perimeter(grey): anyone over the age of 13 must present a Games Pass and proof of identity to the police. The Games Pass is a personal pass in the form of a QRcode that must be presented at all access points within the perimeter.

How do you identify the perimeters?

Simply visit https://www.pass-jeux.gouv.fr/en

the site has ab interactive map showing the security perimeters by date.

How to get my Game Pass 

Simply register online at https://www.pass-jeux.gouv.fr/en

You will be asked to provide personal details and supporting documents, depending on the reason for your request. The Games Pass will be sent to you once your application has been validated.

We strongly invite you to make your application before the perimeters  are set up, to anticipate processing time


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